Red Tea Detox Review

Red Tea Detox Review – Is It Worth the Money?

Since this product is gaining such popularity, we decided to provide our own red tea detox review. But first, let’s talk about detox teas in general.
We’ve seen the popularity of detox teas for weight loss has been rising steadily over the years, thanks to the great benefits these drinks have to offer.
Besides getting rid of toxins from your body, these special concoctions are responsible for nourishing the liver and improving the digestive system.

So What is the Red Tea Detox Program?

The Red Tea Detox is the latest cleansing and weight loss brew to hit the market. It is described as a secret African drink that is widely acclaimed for its ability to burn a pound of fat every 72 hours.
The red coloring comes from the Rooibos plant. A South-African herb that has fat-burning traits.
In fact, the author & creator Liz Swann Miller shed over 14 pounds of fat! after consuming this tea for a few weeks. After noticing the big difference, she continued with the program and dropped another 41 pounds!
So, this brings us to the big question, is this West African red tea the best detox drink for weight loss? My answer is unequivocally “Yes” but let’s discuss why in detail.

Red Tea Detox – Where To Purchase 

If you want to try the Red Tea Detox program now, you can purchase directly from their site by clicking the button below. This allows you take advantage of my special members only discount and start today!
If nothing else, check out the FREE Demo below.

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What is the Red Tea Detox?

Red Tea Detox is a new, comprehensive detoxification and cleansing program that is tailored to help you lose weight within a matter of weeks. A brainchild of Liz Swann Miller, this African detox tea has undergone a decade of advanced research coupled with more than 500 medical studies to ascertain its potency and efficiency.
Due to it’s popularity, you can now find numerous red tea detox review articles online
The Red Tea Detox program is more than just a tasty cup of tea. It offers a new holistic approach to detoxification and weight loss, covering every aspect of your health, including the body, mind, and soul.

So, How Does it Work?

The detox program is divided into three parts. These include:

• Diet

For any weight loss program to succeed, you must watch what you eat.
This section focuses on the importance of cleansing your body before embarking on a weight loss program, as it is well-documented that the presence of toxins may negatively affect the rate of metabolism.
This diet section will teach you about high-energy foods that can aid you in your weight loss efforts.

• Exercise

Adopting a weight loss program without involving exercises is simply an activity in futility. You are less likely to succeed if you do not exercise.
There is plenty of research proving the positive correlation between exercising and fat-loss.

• Willpower

You cannot make any progress if you have a negative attitude about your prospects of losing weight. Anyone can lose weight by drinking this African red tea. However, you must first change your mindset, and everything will fall into place naturally.
Studies show that parts of the brain associated with reward and decision-making are also vital when attempting to lose weight.
Our brains can easily convince us to give up which is why Liz focuses so much on the willpower component of detoxing.

Product Ingredients

The creator of this recipe uses pseudo names to describe these ingredients. This special tea has five secret ingredients. These include:
  • The Fat Unlocker
  • Ultimate Fat Cleanser
  • The Fat Shrinker
  • The Hunger Killer
  • The Fat Storage Stopper

What you get with the Red Tea Detox package:

Besides, the program includes a lot of bonuses that come in the form of video tutorials and audio books. These include:
  • The Red Smoothie Recipe
  • The Ultimate Super Food Guide
  • 5 Detox Methods of Fabulous Celebrities
  • Effortless Weight Loss Hypnosis (Audio Book)

Weight Loss Benefits

The red tea detox program comes with a lot of benefits and a few downsides. However, the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Let’s have a look at what this special tea has to offer.

Overall Pros

• Flexibility in diet

What we liked about this detox tea is that it is flexible. You are not restricted from eating certain foods as compared to other programs for weight loss. In fact, you can incorporate this drink with other diets such as smoothies and lattes.

• Almost zero side effects

We’ve found the Red Detox program to have almost zero side effects. You may experience a slight headache or nausea during the first few days but this will subside in no time.

• Scientifically proven benefits

This detox program works beyond expectations. It has undergone years of research and over 500 medical studies to prove its effectiveness.
African red tea, more commonly known as Rooibos Tea has been shown to be extremely effective for weight loss.

• Rapid results

One main benefit of consuming this tea is that delivers rapid results. You may start noticing a change in your weight and health within two weeks of using this product.Isn’t that good!

• Enhances energy

It produces and maintains your energy levels throughout the day. This gives you the impetus to face the day ahead with the liveliness that it deserves.

• It helps in reducing hunger

This detox tea is renowned as a hunger stopper. It acts swiftly to cut out all the cravings you might have for junk and fatty foods. Research has shown that consuming just 17oz of liquids can provide fullness signals to the brain.

Overall Cons

• Requires Some Discipline

Like any other weight loss program, this does requires some discipline. If you stick with it though, you will see results. Some people find it really difficult to adjust their diets at the drop of a hat. Remember to start slowly and “re-wire” your brain so that you eventually begins craving the Tea.

• You have to pay extra for the audio format.

That being said, you don’t really need to purchase the audio format as it provides no extra benefit.

Common Questions about Red Tea

I’d like to close by providing answers to some common questions about Red Tea.
Can Red Tea help you lose weight?
Yes! Red Rooibos based tea is low calorie and contains powerful antioxidants. The beverage provides a great, caffeine free way to detox your body. Studies have shown that Rooibos’s unique Bioflavonoid, Aspalathin, helps eliminate stress hormones.

These hormones are what cause are bodies to store fat and lead to heart disease and high blood pressure. What this means is that red tea has powerful fat burning effects.
Is Red Tea good for you?
Absolutely. In so many ways. We already know Red tea contains powerful antioxidants, lowers blood pressure and reduces fat storage.

The tea can also prevent cancer and lower bad cholesterol. Some suggest that it can even keep your hair strong and healthy.

What is Red Tea made of?
Red tea is made of Rooibos. Rooibos is an herb that originates from South Africa and is the main ingredient used to create “Red Tea”.

The herb is usually dried beforehand and then mixed with hot water. The result is a delicious reddish-brown tea that has amazing health benefits!
Are there any side effects of Red Tea?
While more scientific evidence needs to be collected, there are no adverse effects of drinking Red Tea.

Are there any Bonuses?

Yes. It’s nice that the program comes with a few extra goodies:
  • 100 Green Smoothie Recipes
  • The Ultimate Super Food Guide
  • The 5 Detox Methods of Fabulous Celebrities

Is there really a 60 day money back guarantee?

Yes, if you are not satisfied for any reason, there is a 60 day money back guarantee on all purchases. I love this because 60 days allows you plenty of time to see if the detox is right for you. If not, just return and get your money back.

Final Thoughts

Detox tea is fast becoming the preferred method when it comes to easy weight loss. There are numerous recipes for these special concoctions which are natural and easy to make.
Red tea has been proven beyond doubt to be the go-to option as far as detox teas for weight loss are concerned. It is one of the few weight loss solutions that have been verified to deliver desirable results with minimal effort required.
Furthermore, it can be consumed by anyone regardless of age or weight.
If you’re looking to try a red tea product, give this one a try today and let me know what you think. Alternatively, check out some of our best juicing cleanse products.
If you enjoyed reading our red tea detox review, you should also check out our other posts such as  “Best Detox Tea for Weight Loss“. There you’ll find additional detox products to help you on your journey.
If you’re looking for the all around best cleanse for weight loss, check out our top 15 list of detox products that will help you melt away pounds.